What are the Best Two Box and Deep Metal Detectors?

By Michael Bernzweig

You just received a tip from a friend or family member about buried gold, silver or jewels. You have a good idea where to begin searching and now need the best deep metal detector to find it.

Step 1: Separate Fact from Fiction

Your first step on any treasure hunt is to try and separate truth from folklore. Many rumors and legends about underground treasure caches, or hoards, are based on some factual details. Throughout history, people have buried their valuables out of greed or in fear of advancing armies and other marauders, hoping to someday return and reclaim their treasure. Even today, this practice is not uncommon.

So, before you invest in equipment or travel great distances, do as much research as possible beforehand. Look for any clues that may have been written down or passed down verbally from generation to generation. Keep a record of even small details; they may come in handy later.

Step 2: Determine How Deep the Treasure is Buried

Your second step is to determine, based on your research, how far down the treasure is located. Frequently, individuals bury treasure far beneath the earth in large containers. Some of the largest hoards recovered to date have been found using deep penetrating metal detectors.

If you are looking for gold or other precious metals that are buried deeper than one meter, you need a 2-box metal detector. Unlike traditional coin detectors, which are made to find smaller individual items, a ground two-box metal detector can penetrate the earth using special search coils that transmit signals. Once the signal reaches the treasure, it bounces back to the metal detector, which pinpoints the location.

Until recently, deep-detecting metal detectors could not identify the type of buried metal. However, with the advent of newer technologies, such as the Makro brand detectors, it is now possible to identify the type of metal in the ground.

Step 3: Choose the Best Deep Seeking Metal Detector Tecnhology

Pulse Induction

Pulse technology locates deep treasures in the most challenging terrains. The Detech Pulse design continuously transmits and receives a series of short electrical pulses in rapid succession that saturate the earth. The returning responses are analyzed and presented in 2D on the digital display. Unlike conventional all metal Pulse detectors, the Detech discriminating pulse technology can distinquish between ferrous and non ferous metals. It will locate and display a broad range of precious metals. Pulse technology can operate in a wider range of ground conditions than other technologies.

Deep Seeking Pulse Induction Metal Detectors:

3D Imaging Systems:

For the first time ever, the idea of seeing underground image scans of the target has become a reality! The engineering team at Nokta Makro Metal Detectors has brought to life the Nokta Makro Invenio Pro Pack Smart Metal Detector and 3D Imaging System. This device will show realtime image scans right before your eyes. Gold, Silver and other Valuable metals are shown in full color on a color display. Junk metals like Iron are also clearly displayed. These models allow you to save target signals for later review and offers menus in multiple languages.

3D Imaging Metal Detectors:


Gradiometer technology can determine if an object in the ground is metal, mineral or a cave or cavity. Two magnetic sensors in the Gradiometer probe analyze the signals in the earth in real-time. The first sensor simply measures the positive (+) signals while the other measures the negative (-) signals. When metal is detected, the positive value increases while the negative value decreases. When caves or cavities are detected, the positive value decreases while the negative value increases. When minerals are detected, the negative value does not change as the positive value increases. Results are shown visually in an easy to understand 3D image analysis on the display.

Long Range Magnetic Locators

This technology will show you the the source of the electromagnetic field up to 1000 meters around you. The exact coordinates of the magnetic field are shown on the display in relationship to your location. You may also use this long range probe to “vertically” check the ground for magnetic field interference that indicates metal or cavities below the earth.

Very Low Frequency (VLF)

Very low frequency (VLF) is used for locating deep treasures. This technology sends the signal out through the transmitter coil and then receives the signal through the receiver coil. This is one of the most common and popular technologies used in modern metal detectors today.

Deep Seeking VLF Metal Detectors:

Step 4: Pick the Right Deep Seeking, 2-Box Metal Detector for You

When it comes to picking out a deep-searching, 2-box metal detector, take the time to select the best unit you can afford. Your investment can provide big returns. You can get a basic unit for under $1,000.

There are several types of deep metal detectors that can help you locate your treasure. Below is a list of the most popular models, which are organized based on price and capabilities. Keep in mind that two box detectors are designed to find larger treasures and also veins of natural gold that are buried deep in the ground. They are not made to detect individual coins or small natural gold nuggets.

Entry Level Deep Seeking Metal Detectors:

The Gemini 3 is an entry-level model put out by Fisher Labs Hobby division and is designed to locate deeply buried treasures. It is a fairly simple device to operate and does a good job. This detector is all-metal and cannot identify the type of target before you dig it up. While this unit will not locate targets as deeply as the top-of-the-line units, it is a good starting place for those on a budget.

Mid Level Deep Seeking Metal Detectors:

The Garrett GTI 2500 is a deep seeking unit that has the added advantage of being a dual-purpose detector. This unit is able to identify targets to a depth of just over a foot with the standard search coil. Once you attach the TreasureHound EagleEye Depth Multiplier coil, the detector switches to a deep-seeking, all-metal mode.

For a mid-priced deep metal detector, the Makro JeoTech is unique because it has the ability to discriminate between ferrous and non-ferrous metals. It can also detect voids under the ground, which is important if you are looking to find tunnels or containers of precious stones where no metal is present. While no 2-box metal detectors can locate diamonds, rubies or other gems, this unit can locate the container they are in.

Professional Deep Seeking Metal Detectors:

Top Deep Seeking Metal Detectors:

The most advanced two-box deep metal detectors available today are produced by Detech Metal Detectors and Makro Detectors. Both the Nokta Makro Invenio Standard Smart Pack Metal Detector and the Makro New JeoHunter Deep-Seeking 3D Dual System can identify precious metals at extreme depth. This technology will save you from unnecessary digging. The JeoHunter provides a full-color display with three-dimensional target image analysis and offers menus and analysis in either English or Spanish.

We are happy to discuss your specific needs and suggest the best equipment for you. Wherever your journey takes you, we wish you the best of success in your quest for buried treasure. We are here to assist you in selecting the best metal detector and accessories for your needs.

Copyright 2011 Detector Electronics Corp. - Revised 2019, 2020, 2021