What are the Best Metal Detector Pinpointers?
So you have just finished your research and have plunked down your hard earned cash for a shiny new top of the line metal detector. Excited, you head out in to the field to begin finding treasures. You soon realize that locating the target is only half of the equation. Retrieving the target from the plug of dirt that you have expertly cut from the earth is another! A quality pinpointing device will help you to isolate the target in the hole and zero in on it quickly. An electronic pinpointer will not only speed your recoveries, but will also keep you from damaging your finds in the hole. In this article we will explore everything that you will need to know to pick out the best metal detector pinpointer for you. We will compare the current models that are available and learn how they differ in both features and performance. If you are looking for metal detector pinpointer reviews, just click on the links for the individual models shown below. Unbiased reviews from actual users are shown on each page as they are submitted to us.
Today's modern metal detectors offer a host of clever features. Many middle and top of the line detectors include a pinpointing control or mode. So you may ask why would I want an additional hand held pinpointer? The reason is quite simple; your metal detector has a larger search coil which acts as a general screening device to locate the target. When it comes to zeroing in on the target, a small hand held unit is much easier to manipulate in the hole. You will be able to precisely isolate the target on the top, bottom or sides of the hole you have just dug. This will help you to quickly and more safely recover the target and then move on to your next recovery.
Let's take a look at the types of features you can choose from in a pinpointer. As far as overall design, metal detector pinpointing probes come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The more expensive units are genuinely built with more rugged materials and offer more features. Begin narrowing your selection by deciding where you will be using the device. If you will be in or near the water, you will want to choose a unit that is either completely waterproof or at a minimum water resistant. The next major consideration is the target response that you will receive from the unit. Some units feature just an audio response. Other models add a vibration feature and or a target identification light indicator. The audio response is either produced by an external speaker or through a built in headphone. One of the nice features of the MetalDetector.com web site is the shop by product feature tool. Just add the pinpointers that you are considering to the comparison basket and select compare. Instantly you will see all of the features mentioned in this article, in a side by side comparison chart produced just for you!
If you are looking to get your feet wet with a basic model, consider one of the metal detector pinpointers produced by First Texas under the Fisher, Bounty Hunter or Teknetics names. While these units are not waterproof, they are a good basic starting point. Keep in mind, more depth is not always better when it comes to isolating or precisely pinpointing a target. If you are looking for a completely waterproof unit for diving, you will want to consider one of the models from Treasure products. Take a look at the Vibra Probe 580, Vibra-Quatic 2 Pinpointer or the Vibra Tector 730. All of these units are certified for snorkeling and diving. I have saved the best selling pinpointer for last! By far, the Garrett Pro-Pointer is the one of most popular metal detector pinpointer probe on the market. This model is weatherproof, includes a belt holster, scraping blade and features sound, light and vibration alerts. If this model is within your price range, go for it as you will not be disappointed.
Top-Selling Pinpointers:
- Garrett Pro-Pointer AT Waterproof pinpointing metal detector
- XP MI-6 Waterproof Pinpointer
- XP MI-4 Waterproof Pinpointer
- Garrett Pro-Pointer AT Waterproof Z-Lynk Wireless Pinpointer
- Fisher F-Pulse Waterproof Pinpointer
In summary, electronic pinpointer metal detectors are a great compliment to use along with any metal detector. They will allow you to easily isolate your target for fast and easy retrieval. Be sure to pick out a good recovery tool and a holster to go along with your new pinpointer. Use our handy comparison tool to see side by side evaluations of the models that you are considering. With the right hand held pinpointer by your side, you will soon understand why so many thousands of treasure hunters swear by them. Many treasure hunters find that a probe makes their time in the field more enjoyable. My advice to you would be to pick out the best metal detector pinpointer for your style of treasure hunting and budget. Who knows, if you are lucky, you might pay for your probe the first time out!
Copyright 2011 Detector Electronics Corp. - Revised November 2021